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12" Vintage Figures

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Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter - 1979

Boba Fett - 1979Boba Fett - 1979Boba Fett - 1979Boba Fett - 1979

The figure is in good condition for its age showing slight signs of discolouration at the seams and one of the boosters has come away from the back pack but this could be glued back on.

Overall a very nice piece with good joints that is complete with original accessories, Blaster Rifle, Belt, Cloth Cape, Wookiee Scalps, Backpack, Backpack Rocket.

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Yoda - Hand Puppet - 1981

Yoda - Hand Puppet - 1981Yoda - Hand Puppet - 1981Yoda - Hand Puppet - 1981Yoda - Hand Puppet - 1981

The figure is in very good condition standing around 8.5 inches tall.

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See Threepio - C3P0 - 1978

See Threepio - C3P0 - 1978See Threepio - C3P0 - 1978See Threepio - C3P0 - 1978See Threepio - C3P0 - 1978

The figure still has nice plating, there are marks but overall a nice display piece with good joints.

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Stormtrooper - 1978

Stormtrooper - 1978Stormtrooper - 1978Stormtrooper - 1978Stormtrooper - 1978

The figure is in fair condition for its age and has started to discolour in places and at the seams. There are no accessories included.

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Darth Vader - 1978

Darth Vader - 1978Darth Vader - 1978Darth Vader - 1978

Darth Vader - 1978

The figure is in good condition and complete with original cloth cape and Light Saber. The Light Saber does have a stress mark which can be seen in the picture where the saber goes from red to white. The left leg has a split which can be seen in the ringed picture so a little care is required when moving at the joint, but can still stand on a flat surface.

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